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Saturday, July 11, 2015

TIPS| Deleting app cache to free extra space

Today I want to show you how to free up some space on your android device by clearing your device's cache. Cache, according to Wikipedia, "is a component that stores data so future requests for that data can be served faster; the data stored in a cache might be the results of an earlier computation, or the duplicates of data stored elsewhere". Instagram, for example, is an application  that relies on cache to let you to look back on your timeline without having to pull down those images from the server. This also explains why you can still re-watch videos on Vine when you don't have a connection. 

Android applications that allow the use of cache usually have some limit to the amount of data that is stored. Others, however, do not and force the devices memory to be lower than it should. Of course there is a more 'scientific' way to explain the use of cache but we are not interested in that. IT IS TIME TO TAKE OUR MEMORY BACK! There are two simple ways in which we can do that. 

1. Using the native android settings app. 

  • Go to the "Settings"
  • Find and tap on "Storage" 
  • Tap on "Cached data" and clear cached data for all apps

2. Using any cache cleaning application from the Play Store

The first method to clear cache is simple but it requires you to delete all of the cached data. Notice: Some applications will have to re-download the necessary files. Music applications that download album artwork may need to re-download the images. Using the second method gives you a breakdown of which applications are storing the most cache and you can delete on an app per app basis. 

Each method is works the same but the second allows for a more controlled way to deleting cached files. Give each one a try and comment below which worked the best. 

*** All images courtesy of Google Play and the app developer. ***

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