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Monday, December 15, 2014

REVIEW| Dock & Share WiFI Music Player

App Name: Dock & Share WiFi Music Player (EtrokTeck)
Price: Free / $2.99 IAP
Description: Dock & Share gives you the ability to dock one Android phone or tablet to your stereo system, share it, and control the music from a separate Android phone or tablet that is connected to the same WiFi network. View and play music that exists on either device, view and change the play queue, control the volume, seek through a track, shuffle the songs on an album, etc.
Review: If you are anything like me you like to listen to music whenever you can. However, I refuse to invest in a Bluetooth speaker. I do have a stereo in the living room that I use to listen to music. While I do not spend time in the living room, most of my time is spent working on the office PC, I find myself too lazy to get up and change the volume, track, etc. When I found this app, my music experience totally changed. I no longer found the need to get up every time to lower the volume or skip a track.
What’s good: This application allows me to take control of music playback from anywhere in the house, as long as there is Wi-Fi of course. If I have to take a call or watch a video online, I have the ability to pause the music without interrupting my activities. As long as you have your music on any android device you can use it to broadcast the music. So I can use either my phone or tablet to play the music. Swiping from the bottom will reveal the queue where you can remove the songs you want to skip. You can even you this application as your default music player.
What’s not so good: You have to remember to share your device every time you want to share. Maybe it’s just me but I think the app should remind you at startup. The interface on this application is slow. It takes a couple of seconds for it to load the artist/album pictures at the initial startup. There is no ‘search’ functionality. So if you want to play “Zero” by the Smashing Pumpkins, you will have to scroll down all the way to the ‘Z’ to select the desired song. There is no playlist section so playing your favorite playlist will not be an option. The good thing is that most of these “grievances” can be resolved with an update.
Overall rating:
3.8 stars out of 5.0
Play Link: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.etroktech.dockandshare&hl=en
*images courtesy of the developer and Google Play*

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